command enables copying and updating
configuration files.
When adding more features to an extension project, it is helpful
to *not* start from scratch. xt-sync
command enables extension projects
to pull in starter configuration files for the purposes of linting,
setting up automated CI builds, and for setting up git VCS.
The configuration files are intended as a starting point. If you end up modifying them heavily at a project level, you should continue to maintain them manually instead of using this command.
If you do not modify these configuration files, you can sync the latest version periodically, to update to the latest version supplied by this CLI.
Sync configuration files
This command will guide you through the available options.
1 |
Package.json scripts
After installing extension-cli, you can run these commands from a terminal by calling
1 |
Alternatively you can add an option to packages.json
scripts section as shown below
1 2 3 |
and then execute the command by running
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