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Getting Started

Building this application from source requires Node.js and git.

Building from source

First clone project and install dependencies.

git clone
cd shortcuts-for-chrome && npm install

Build a locally debuggable version.

Build extension
npm run build

Get a list of other available development commands.

npm run

This extension is build with extension-cli. Refer to user guide for further details of building the extension.


Howto debug a Chrome extension:

  1. Go to "Extensions" in the Shortcuts for Chrome menu.
    Alternatively, navigate to address chrome://extensions.
  2. Enable developer mode.
  3. Click load unpacked.
  4. Navigate to the extension source and choose dist directory.

Code organization

Directories & Files
├─ .github/               # Repository configuration
  ├─ workflows/          # Automated workflows
  └─           # GitHub readme
├─ assets/                # Extension images and features images 
  ├─ img/                # Extension icons 
  └─ *                   # Webstore assets
├─ docs/                  # Source code documentation (this website)
├─ i18n/                  # Generated translations (edit on POEditor)  
├─ src/                   # Source code                           
  ├─ background/         # Background scripts                    
  ├─ menu/               # Links menu                         
  ├─ popup/              # Extension popup view                  
  ├─ shared/             # Shared classes and modules            
  └─ manifest.json       # Extension manifest                    
├─ test/                  # Unit tests        
├─ utilities/             # Utility scripts                         
  ├─ locales.js          # Formats locales files
  └─ translate.js        # Automatic translations                     
├─ LICENSE                # Software license
└─ package.json           # Configuration and dependencies 

System description

The extension has a popup window that is visible to a user. This is the primary way of interacting with the extension. A service worker, for managing extension background services, runs in the background context.

When a user clicks extension icon (the "browser action") extension opens the popup window. The menu contains various navigation links and clicking a link opens a new browser tab. User can pin and unpin menu links, and sort the pinned links by dragging and dropping. This behavior is implemented by three modules.

src/popup manages the extension popup window.

  • It saves and restores user preferences.
  • It sets the visible content rendering inside the popup window.
  • Menu is currently the only possible view, so the popup always renders the menu.

src/menu panel shows list of links.

  • User can pin/unpin links and drag and drop pinned links.
  • It programmatically handles link click actions.
  • It captures recently used links.

src/background has no interface; it runs in the background context of the browser.

  • It creates and manages extension context menu.

For a more detailed technical description of these modules see the Source Code Documentation.


The application release version contains no external dependencies.

Development dependencies

Task NPM Package Purpose
Translation @google-cloud/translate Translation API
dotenv ENV variables
moment File modification time
Docs jsdoc-to-markdown Building docs
nodemon Monitor js-file changes
Build extension-cli Building extension
webpack Web module bundling
Publishing cws-publish Publishing at Chrome Web Store